Eco-Therapy Adventure Camp

Our camp provides the healing powers of nature, the challenges of adventure-based therapy, and the wisdom of eco-therapy practices to increase our children's ability to live well in today's world.


A Week To Remember

The vision of Eco-Therapy Adventure Camp was born in 2020 as two local therapists began to see children forced inside and turning to technology for their entertainment as well as education. Knowing the detrimental effects of screentime, they created a curriculum that brought kids back outside to build self-esteem, social skills, and resilience. Using evidence-based therapy practices in an engaging outdoor environment, they created a yearly summer camp that kids keep coming back to! 


⁕ Ecotherapy

We see the growing need for kids to reconnect with the outside as a way to build coping skills for the current world we live in.

⁕ Adventure Therapy

Children and teens today face unprecedented stress and uncertainty, and many are lacking the coping skills to manage it.

⁕ Mental Health

Since the onset of Covid, we have seen rising rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide among our youth.

We strive to increase our campers' motivation, resilience, and self-esteem through a week of outdoor activities that are fun and challenging in a small, safe, social environment.


…That could make a lifetime of difference

We believe that the skills the campers learn in this week can be taken home and utilized for years to come.

By incorporating a love of nature in our future generation, we are also instilling the importance of stewardship for the local environment so that kids may continue to enjoy the power of nature that exists in their own backyards.

Parent Reviews

“My son is a different child after his week at camp. He is more confident in himself and continues to ask for more surf lessons when previously he was terrified and anxious. His overall demeanor is more self-assured. The change is remarkable.”

“This is the first summer camp that my child has enjoyed end-to-end, and he referred to it as ‘the camp where I don't get in trouble!’  He has actually been kicked out of camps for being disruptive in the past, and you wonderful people were so willing to run right in the direction of his energy rather than against it. It's a real gift to see him so happy.”

“My child came home from camp every day talking non-stop and very excited, when previously he came home from camps quiet and down. He was much happier all week and by the end of the week he asked to try skimboarding for the first time, something he had been shying away from because he was not bold enough to try.”

The Details

Here’s what happens at camp.


What activities do we do?

Daily activities range from ocean immersion and surf lessons, paddle-boarding, canoeing the Pocomoke River, hiking, boating the back bays, yoga lessons, and more! All activities are supervised by professionals in the field.

Who is the camp for?

The camp is geared toward all genders ages 8-14.

  • The principles taught are aimed to help all kids but particularly those who have struggled or are struggling with managing their emotions, feeling alone, or experiencing hardships with social interactions.

    Children and adolescents who may spend excessive time on electronics, too much time inside, or are not in touch with how to entertain themselves apart from using technology.

    The camp is a technology free environment; campers will not need their cellphones during camp hours! (We promise they will survive!) This camp is beneficial for kids experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, or isolation.

Where is the camp?

This camp is entirely outdoors! Some of the camps meet in Salisbury at Mosaic Counseling and Wellness. Others meet at Tripoli Park in Berlin, MD.


How long is the camp?

The camp is from 9:00am-3:30pm, Monday through Thursday.

We provide transportation to all activities but the campers need to be dropped off and picked up at the given times to the designated meeting place, either Mosaic or Tripoli Park.

How many kids are in each camp?

We accept a maximum of 10 campers for each week, with 2-3 counselors with the group at all times. We prefer a small group setting to maximize the experience for each camper.

How much does it cost?

The camp rate varies depending on several factors. The full price is $375/camper. If the camper is a Mosaic client, the rate is $125.

A reduced rate of $200 is available based on need and due to the generous support of the Jesse Klump Memorial Fund. Please email to inquire.

Campers bring their own lunch.



Reserve Your Spot


Please complete the registration and payment form below to save your space in the camp.

Have questions? Email Tiffany or call her at 302-259-1093!

Session 1: June 23-26

Session 2: July 14-17

Session 3: July 28-31

If you are a client of Mosaic: Be sure to include the coupon code CLIENT at check-out

If you have solicited reduced tuition: Be sure to include the coupon code REDUCED at check-out


Thank you to these organizations for making the camp accessible for all!